Is Nadex a scam broker?

The common question is whether Nadex scam exists and whether the existing site may be the most optimal alternative to the scam trading platforms, which functions in America. In order to find out whether the exchange may be trusted by you, review the data provided in this article. There was an extreme enhancement of short-term trading demand traced in 2016 both in the USA and other countries, which is why we want to present the most optimal brokers that deal with this type of trading. Quite often, the traders, who are not active in binary trading long enough, get fooled by scam brokers. The information in this article is of high importance, due to the fact that multiple off-shore brokers continue “selling” their services to the traders, although it violates the official laws like CFTC. Thus, you need to be careful with choosing a trading platform since, in the long run, all of your earnings will have no value, if your broker turns to be acting illegally.

In contrast to multiple platforms, which explore fraudulent services like Algo-Trading Bot, Nadex is a legalized broker that is supervised by CFTC. The main features, which certify the efficiency of the platform, embrace full transparency, keeping the traders’ funds on one centralized bank account, etc.

In fact, if you are an American citizen and want to start trading in binaries, on the basis of a fully legitimate broker, Nadex seems to be the only option for you to take. Although there is a big necessity to legitimize broker platforms in the USA so that to provide traders with a legal trading space, this process does not move along and it does not look like it is going to change in the nearest time. Accordingly, if you want your money to be safe, trade with Nadex.

One more aim of this article is forwarding a clear signal to all advertising services, which provide information about binary trading brokers. With this message, it is critical to bring it to the readers that Nadex is the only legitimate trading broker, which currently exists in the USA. In fact, supporting any other claims is illegal since Nadex is regulated by CFTC. Accordingly, if any website provides any kind of contrary information, it may be perceived as a scam itself. Although we do not have any law power, with our review, we want to make sure that our readers receive only accurate data.

The basic facts about Nadex

  • Nadex is the only broker available for the citizens of the US, which is regulated by CFTC.

  • It is the only platform that works as an exchange in the US.

  • The smallest sum to be deposited is $100.

  • It is the only legalized binary options platform in America.

  • The functions like free tutorials, trading spikes, and some others are available.

  • The funds of traders are kept on one centralized bank account in the US.

  • In 2016, was called the most reliable BO exchange platform.

  • The wide-embracing covering location, with a central office in Chicago.

  • The availability of the real telephone line.

In case you come from the country outside the USA and want to trade binary options, then you can choose one from the range of trustworthy EU brokers. In this respect, can be an optimal option. These brokers run on the basis of CFTC and are, therefore, not available for the US traders since using them would be illegal. Thus, it can be said that Topoption is an efficient alternative to American Nadex. 

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